Sorry about not keeping up too well everyone! Maybe I'm just being ego-centric when I say that. It probably doesn't matter to hardly anyone whether I keep this blog up or not but in case it does, sorry again.
So, to recap quickly the last two weeks. I had a holiday July 29th through August 2nd and I took advantage of the time off to go hiking in the mountains and visit the local amusement park. It was a good time to revamp from the crazy cycle of teaching and I also enjoyed spending three days of outside activity. The last two days of vacation weren't very fun however as I came down with something and spent most of that Saturday and Sunday in bed recovering.
Last week found me back at DDD teaching as usual although with a bit heavier schedule as I was covering for teachers who were taking a few days off. I had a ENT seminar on Saturday which involved all the other ENTs from the four branches of DDD in Daegu meeting together and discussing good teaching methods. I knew a few of the ENTs from going to observe another school so I went with a few of them for lunch afterwards.
Sunday I gave my testimony to the two English childrens services at Dongshin Church. The first time was very brief because they were very young and understood little but the second was much longer and detailed. I enjoyed speaking to the kids from my heart about what God had done in my life and what He had called me to do. I shared the verses of Hebrews 12:1-2 and 28-29 as my message. They seemed to receive it well and understand (I think).
This week is going well. I have a class that has been giving me trouble but today was much better. I hope I've hit upon a method that works.
I am including links to the pictures I have uploaded onto Facebook. If you can't get them, just let me know and I'll try to figure out something else.
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